Nothing Better Than A Good Sense Of Humor!

About Me

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California, United States
Driven by determination and an undeniable desire to inspire, at age 23, Melinna Hofmann has embraced all aspects of the creative industries. Born and raised in the Bay Area and a votary to diversity; Melinna adapted to the Urban lifestyle, accommodating her skills and expanding her imagination to explore all the possibilities that life has to offer. Heritage of Cuban and Irish, Melinna is a native speaker of English but was accustomed to speaking Spanish through her Grandmother’s continual influence. Quick witted and deeply perceptive, she decided to embark her career in a venturesome journey with only her intuitive assurance. Open to every contingency and constant determination, Melinna has gained experience in Wedding and Event Planning, Modeling, Dancing, Promoting, Hair Stylist and Make-up Artistry. Affirm beliefs and over three years of dedication to Nichiren Buddhism, Melinna Hofmann has embraced the Universal Law and is eager to illuminate the transformation of negativity to enlightenment in everyday life. Always remember nothing is impossible, there are only infinite possibilities!

"The Poet"

Words have been very influential in my life as well as my main source of energy to self expression. The natural flow and connection between every word and sentence creates this beautiful ever lasting flame that burns my every desire.... In these recent months I have been constantly flooded with thoughts and ideas; overflowing with  urgency to release the seed of knowledge that lays within me. As you continue reading you will find yourself in a similar place to what I call "The Never Ending Circuit Of Life", my every thought simplified into words through either poetry, freestyle writing, quotes, phrases, etc. I have also included some of my all time favorites from other inspiring writers through out the globe! If you feel that burning flame at any moment, please feel obliged to express yourself through the empowerment of words..... Enjoy!


    by: Charles Swindoll
    The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life.

    Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill. It will make or break a company... a church... a home.

    The remarkable thing is we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past... we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude... I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it.

    And so it is with you... we are in charge of our attitudes.

  2. "Felicity"

    If life was as simple as air
    Free to flow through the mountain tops and swiftly glide along the ocean tide
    Abstracted breeze gently caressing my cheek as I ineptly tie back any loose hair
    Constantly surrounded; millions of lives coincide
    Inhale… exhale…
    Deep breaths soon fill my lungs with such
    Something we can not grasp but is the main ingredient to our existence
    I close my eyes as I reach pure
    As the sun light becomes the star night, wind is infused with persistence
    I embrace the whispers of the universe
    Encompassed by the expeditious tranquility
    All thoughts and feelings of negativity simultaneously disperse
    In the distance, Faint but yet distinct echoes call out to me

    “ My Sweet Felicity”

    By Melinna

  3. Time Is Of An Essence
    Constantly Causing Restriction
    Something That Once Made Sense
    Has Become A Fragment Of My Imagination
    A Victim Of Submission
    Life Smiles Only Stopping To Admire
    Lost In The Depths Of A Fearful Obsession
    Dare Not Look Into The Eyes Of Fire
    While Thoughts Begin To Flutter
    Lost Pieces To The Puzzle All Rearrange
    Suddenly Emersed With Child-like Laughter
    Innocence Awakens As She Sings
    Release My Inner Butterfly From This Cage
    Rosey Lips Begin To Gently Part As She Spreads Her Blissful Wings
    And Whispers Through A Joyful Sigh.....

    "It Is Now Time We Can Fly High
    Into The Open, Clear Blue Sky
    I Will Wipe These Tears Dry
    For I Will Not Cry
    The Wind Can No Longer Lie
    As We Simultaneously Pass Eachother By
    Please Do Not Try To Deny
    The Passion That Burns In I
    For You Are The Love That Can Never Die!"
    Always & Forever,
    Yours Truly
    Melinna L. Hofmann

    To My Love Donald W. Marshman

  4. Quote of the Day!

    "How Beautiful it is to do nothing and then rest..."


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